4 Tips To Create The Perfect Wedding Grazing Table

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

What's the buzz about grazing tables?

If you've been to a wedding recently, you've probably seen one of these beauties. Grazing boards are all the rage for weddings and events. They have it all: a stunning, colourful aesthetic, an array of mouth-watering treats, and a "Wow!" factor that is sure to impress your guests.

And it looks like grazing boards are here to stay! If you're looking to hire an expert or go the DIY route with some helpful family members, check out this blog post for ideas and tips.

1. What to put on a grazing table.

The short answer is: Whatever you want!

There's no right or wrong when it comes to putting together a grazing table, but there are some general guidelines you can follow.

It's a good idea to start with the basics: bread, cheese, fruits, and nuts. These staples form the foundation of just about any grazing table because they're filling, healthy, accessible, and they go well with pretty much anything.

Next, you'll want to decide if you want your grazing table to be vegetarian. If so, you can focus on adding more cheeses and bread and leave out the meats and seafood. If not, you can add in a variety of cured meats, olives and antipasti for a more robust flavour profile, people will love it!

Finally, you can decide whether you want to get creative with the small details on your table. Do you want to add some fresh flowers? Maybe some candles or other decorative touches? What kind of drinks would be nice to have on hand? You could even set up an area where guests can garnish their plates with herbs or spices.

The possibilities are endless!

2. Match the celebratory mood of canape hour.

Grazing boards are a great way to get guests moving and mingling during those awkward moments after the ceremony but before the wedding photos are finished. We know it can be tough to chat up with your extended family if you haven't seen them for a long time, so we find that grazing boards encourage people to have something to focus on, whether that's beautiful flowers or delicious food, while they're getting reacquainted.

3. Presentation, keep it fresh and relaxed.

We're all about that relaxed wedding life, so of course, we want to talk about this oh-so-chic trend. Enter grazing tables, the new way to wow your guests with what you're serving. A grazing table is essentially a buffet, but with the food scattered about on a wooden board for a festive and natural look.

The food is arranged in a messy yet artful way, and it's both beautiful and easy to serve. The beauty of it is that guests can just pick what they want from the board as they please. We're obsessed with the way a grazing table looks, and we know you are too. But they can get messy, so make sure you have someone on hand to maintain it.

Grazing tables are sometimes called grazing platter boards, or grazing platters. You place the food straight on the board (not on separate platters). They're perfect for relaxed weddings—boho and country weddings, we're looking at you!

No plates, little rubbish, and fresh seasonal produce—what's not to love?

4. Food Allergies.

The mouth-watering, colourful spread of a grazing table can really make a statement at a wedding. But it can also create a problem if you're unaware of food allergies that exist among your guests.

When it comes to wedding grazing platters lots of different foods together definitely add that 'Wow' factor, but just make sure you are aware of any food allergies amongst your guests.

Some people may be highly allergic to even a tiny amount of contamination from certain foods. Take the time to check if anyone has specific food allergies and let your caterers know – it could just mean creating a couple of smaller grazing boards, rather than one large.


Creating a stunning wedding grazing board is a great way to impress your guests and add a touch of elegance to your special day. By following the tips provided, you can craft a beautiful and delicious display that will be the talk of any event.

Whether you choose to hire an expert or take a DIY approach, the key is to create a life-sized version that showcases the artistry and creativity of this popular food trend. Don't hesitate to incorporate a grazing board into your wedding plans and offer your guests an unforgettable experience that will be captured beautifully by your Cairns wedding photographer.